In almost 40 years of success, numerous exciting facts emerge.


 Our family business was once founded as a two-man company and today operates worldwide as a global food distribution company. For well over three decades, we have been convincing customers with an almost unique business concept and a competent all-round service. Thanks to down-to-earthness, handshake quality and reliability, we can count on thousands of satisfied customers all over the world.

If you take a closer look, you will find some exciting facts and figures about Gunz:

Year of foundation

100 %

family owned


Gunz brands
in the assortment

in the assortment

Gunz in over
100 countries


4 branches
AT | DE | CH | BLR

Gunz branches in
Austria and Germany

Headquarters Austria

Vorarlberg, Mäder, 6841

Logistics centre Germany

Sachsen-Anhalt, Magdeburg, 39126

3.100t  Fairtrade cocoa

from cocoa origin countries every year, making us Fairtrade Austria's largest partner in this area.

1,400 pallets per day

we move approximately every day. That corresponds to around 300,000 pallets per year.

150 container loads per year

we deliver overseas.


We are the market leader in fan food. Supporters of our top clubs buy around

2 million

food merchandising products per year.


Logos of the six Gunz football partner clubs

In the past 27 years, our sales revenue has grown 78 fold. The sales revenue we achieved in the previous year has been surpassed nearly every year.

ISM Cologne 2025 from 2 to 5 February:

Gunz @ Hall 11.2 | Booth E - no. 021

We look forward to seeing you!